Sunday, November 25, 2007

"A dishonest student movement"

The article discusses how university students in Quebec are protesting tuition fees through a strike, which the students will miss classes for.

The author of the article asks, "are demonstrations such as these even in students' interests? Students are not being paid to provide a service, they are paying for a service. Is a $100 increase worth missing valuable class time and threatening your grades over?" He continues to state that although "a student strike could be considered a consumer boycott," the students have already paid their tuition and fees. Students have already paid for the classes they are boycotting against, so what are they going to achieve? Loss of classes they have already paid for and lower grades because of the classes they will miss. The author creates an analogy of the student strike to refusing to use the internet after paying the bill for an internet connection. He states, "you wouldn't do it because no one would care." The students have already paid their fees, they have to go to school to learn so either way the university will receive profit.

The video embedded below also provides arguments against the student strikes:

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